"As soon as Ilhan Omar married him he started university at her alma mater North Dakota State University where he graduated in 2012," a report on the website read. "Shortly thereafter, he moved to ...
An old rumor that Rep Ilhan Omar married her brother and committed immigration fraud resurfaced as a report claimed that it is not anymore a rumor as a personal friend has now confirmed on record ...
The false rumor about the Minnesota congresswoman originated from the America's Last Line of Defense network of parody and ...
Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) accused Rep. Brandon Gill (R-TX) of having “a base that feeds off” of xenophobia and racism. The two ...
Ilhan Omar to be arrested and deported to her birth ... headlines — including a Daily Mail report that she allegedly married her second husband, Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, a British citizen rumored ...
The DailyMail provided a chronology of events that unfolded after Ilhan Omar and her family settled in Minnesota after fleeing war-torn Somalia in 1997. In 2002, she married Ahmed Abdisalan Hirsi ...