One city bought a hotel to help solve the homeless crisis. It just might work.
In Raleigh, there are requirements and rules for new street names. Streets can’t share the name of an individual person, can’t have punctuation marks like periods or apostrophes, have to be “easy to ...
Hannah McKenzie address community members about the future of the Athens Drive Community Library on Jan. 30.
Minutes count,” said Raleigh officer Tom Webb, explaining how officers found and arrested the teen charged in the Hedingham mass shooting.
Raleigh PD released a five-day report on the deadly shootout, revealing the man tased his ex-wife's boyfriend before shooting him and the officer.
At the Raleigh vigil, the community plans to "celebrate Officer Gillick's incredible bravery and dedication, and pray for his continued recovery," said the planner of the event at Renaissance Park.