Writing in support of my neighbor who complains about RVs trailers, recreational vehicles, etc. parked in residential driveways. Yes, it is legal, but do you know ...
So it's been a few weeks now since Trump pardoned some violent J6 criminals responsible for attacking police and other crimes. Some who had prior criminal records ...
South Seaville - The plea agreement in Avalon on the dunes is a joke-It is a slap on the wrist of a rich man- for years , Avalon refused to allow this to happen but now that the b ...
Yes, Trump does everything out in the open, Lies, promises everything under the Sun, then takes away jobs, funding to countries who are starving. Remember the Apprentice, ...
The voters have spoken very clearly with the reelection of President Trump. What can’t democrats understand about taking care of this country first? Why are democrats ...
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What’s going on with all the racial incidents at Lower Cape May Regional? Why do the adults seem incapable of stopping it? I think the NJ Office of Civil Rights ...