More cash will be poured into SWAPs scheme for the unemployed despite doubts about its effectiveness at getting people into ...
Apprentices are currently assessed by independent end point assessment organisations (EPAOs) and long waits for assessment, ...
So, from September 2024, we made mobile phones ‘no by default’ in classrooms. Unless their use is part of a planned learning ...
The rollout has been especially slow for FE colleges. Shockingly, just 35 per cent of students in post-16 settings (equating ...
The UK will make its debut in two new competitions at next year’s global WorldSkills competition in Shanghai, China.
Given the thousands of functional skills tutors with suddenly uncertain careers, plus those working for awarding bodies with ...
A former apprenticeship training provider boss avoids a second director disqualification after arguing £1m in erroneous ...
The judge concluded Turton’s colleague spread “fabricated” information of “false racist remarks” which led to rumours and the ...
An international company that raked in millions of pounds to run online coding bootcamps in England tried to charge learners for training that was supposed to be fully funded by the government. An FE ...
Two college managers who were “pressured” to accommodate special provisions for a relative of the principal in an ...
At one end of the spectrum this is causing users to think any system is safe if it says it’s not using interactions for ...
Funding rates will rise in September for 16-19 learners, but in-year growth will be capped at two-thirds amid a huge rise in student numbers ...