Latin American Women in Chemistry Awards have been announced. They will be celebrated in Panama City on Oct. 2 at the Latin ...
Are you passionate about olives? Read about how researchers publishing in ACS journals have found new uses for them and are ...
Cloudy with a chance of removing heavy metals? A sugar-like polymer clumps with heavy metals like cadmium and lead, forming a ...
Does folding or cutting this battery affect its performance? The battery’s improved cathode design, described in ACS Energy ...
Tritium, once discarded as a by-product of Canadian nuclear reactors, is now one of the most expensive materials on Earth.
Acoustic tweezers pluck viruses from saliva samples in a new lab-on-a-chip device that could help develop new therapeutics, say researchers in ACS Nano.
Every day, people die waiting for an organ transplant. Time is at a premium, not just for those awaiting organs, but also for the organs themselves, which can deteriorate rapidly during transportation ...
Rain and water in ponds and lakes slowly seeps into the soil, moving through minute cracks to refill underground aquifers. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), often described as forever ...
Dinosaurs continue to fascinate people, but that’s not their only enduring quality: Collagen in their skeletons remains intact for millions of years, despite containing chemical bonds that should only ...
There are some pretty strange ingredients in cosmetics and skin care products. One example is snail mucin — also known as snail slime — which is used for its moisturizing and antioxidant properties.