The mayor of Miami Beach wants to end the lease of a group renting a city-owned property because it is screening the Academy ...
The mayor of Miami Beach, Florida, wants to terminate a lease and cut financial support for an independent film theater that ...
Meiner is introducing city legislation that seeks to terminate the lease agreement with the cinema, which rents space from ...
We're halfway through March, and the movies have been springing up like flowers! WEMU's David Fair meets up again with ...
People who end up as “first” don’t actually set out to be first. They set out to do something they love”…Condoleezza Rice The Academy Awards or Oscars represents the highest achievements in artistic ...
This is the power of seeing movies together, at the cinema. Gemma Gracewood, editor-in-chief of social film discovery ...
In honor of the iconic film’s 20th anniversary this year, Focus Features is re-releasing PRIDE & PREJUDICE nationwide in a ...
The Oscar-winning documentary has no U.S. distributor and is showing at only a handful of movie houses in the U.S.
Miami Beach Mayor Steven Meiner has sought to evict an art house cinema from city property for screening Oscar-winning No ...