A highly pathogenic strain of bird flu is spreading south along the Antarctic Peninsula and could devastate populations of ...
French scientists say the H5N1 strain of avian influenza travelled more than 5,000 kilometres from South Georgia Island in the South Atlantic Ocean to the Crozet and Kerguelen Islands in the ...
The scavenger brown skuas populations on Bird Island, South Georgia Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) has been confirmed in brown skua populations on Bird Island, South Georgia. In response ...
Georgia's agriculture secretary is working with his national counterpart to come up with a long-term solution to the crisis ...
One of those workers cared for cattle in South Carolina and Georgia. There have been no reports of cattle infected with bird flu in these states, but the CDC says it could be spreading undetected. The ...
Other countries have seen mass crane die-offs caused by bird flu, from Israel to Japan to Hungary, where an at least 10,000 and possibly 20,000 Eurasian cranes died in the winter of 2023.
Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Tyler Harper announced on March 4 that Georgia is now free of highly pathogenic avian influenza — otherwise known as bird flu.
One of those workers cared for cattle in South Carolina and Georgia. There have been no reports of cattle infected with bird flu in these states, but the CDC says it could be spreading undetected.
More than 1,500 iconic sandhill cranes have been killed by bird flu in Indiana ... about 20 miles west of South Bend. "It's sad to watch." Sandhill cranes are the most numerous of the crane ...
Additionally, one of the practitioners only practiced in two states -- Georgia and South Carolina - -with no known bird flu infection in cattle and no reported human cases MORE: House cats with ...
(Bloomberg) -- Signs of recent bird flu infection were found in three ... One of the veterinarians worked with cows in Georgia and South Carolina, where no cases in cattle had been reported ...
Blood testing of large-animal veterinarians suggests that H5N1 bird flu has spread more widely ... said they’d treated cattle in Georgia and South Carolina, two states with no reported ...