The National Assessment of Educational Progress assessment in reading comprehension is given every two years to students in ...
Catholic schools have consistently outpaced public schools in recent decades, with higher-ranking scores going back to the ...
Patricia Levesque is executive director of the Foundation for Florida’s Future.
The Urban Institute’s demographic adjustments to the Nation’s Report Card reveal a new K–12 hierarchy stretching through the American South.
The proposal seeks to require parents to report their immigration or citizenship status when enrolling children in school in efforts to advance Trump's agenda.
Along with almost 100,000 dead in Florida from COVID-19, the virus' imprint on schools, workplaces and politics lingers after five years.
Bangladesh must overhaul its education system to be more value-orientated and job-focused rather than memorisation and content-learning based. Moreover, there should be greater collaboration between i ...
The National Center for Education Statistics is a relatively obscure federal agency, but its mission – to collect data on the ...
Philippines - New Rules On The Issuance Of Alien Employment Permits To Foreign Nationals In The Philippines. Legal News and ...
Bexhill College is proud to be partnering with FE Sussex at the launch of Landed, an innovative mobile app designed to ...
All three Tempe school districts were winners in this year’s A+ School of Excellence awards announced last week by the Arizona Educational Foundation.
When citizens are poorly informed, they can be easily manipulated by those seeking to undo our founding principles.