Yes, Trump does everything out in the open, Lies, promises everything under the Sun, then takes away jobs, funding to countries who are starving. Remember the Apprentice, ...
South Seaville - The plea agreement in Avalon on the dunes is a joke-It is a slap on the wrist of a rich man- for years , Avalon refused to allow this to happen but now that the b ...
NCAA president says there are fewer than 10 transgender athletes in college sports. The notion that Trump's directive has "saved college sports" is way overblown. https:/ ...
Someday history will record the slow disintegration of the American story. While people go hungry, homeless and ill the country becomes obsessed and spends bill ...
The voters have spoken very clearly with the reelection of President Trump. What can’t democrats understand about taking care of this country first? Why are democrats ...
Global heat shattered records in January, and we now have a anti-science, climate change denying president who will waste four years doing nothing as we pay the price.
if your beliefs are so righteous, why hide your faces?
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Trump is straightening out the federal government! Elon Musk is a saint. It's like if George Washington and Alexander Hamilton got reincarnated.